I Support the Tea Party

Gotcha! The tea party I am referring to is the Royal Tea Party, which was hosted a few weeks ago by Bellwether V here in Zürich. I was asked to make a document of the event:
iPhone/iPad friendly Youtube version

That is traditional Tibetan music you hear starting about the halfway mark. 

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On September 10th was BasFolies, a celebration of the 30th anniversary of Mode Atelier Basman. The show consisted of a Fashion Show mixed with a Folies style Variety show. I was responsible for the video production in the show as well as filming during it. If you were not among the people fortunate enough to be there, here is a little taste of the BasFolies:

The show began with a video showing the space alien moderator flying his birthday cake-shaped space ship and crash landing it into the venue -- so that explains those clips, if you were wondering. All together it was a really fun show, that had a perfect balance of hand-craft and high fashion. Someone described it as Children's theater for adults. I can agree with that.

BasFolies was a GlamourGeek Production and directed by Eva De Vree.

If you enjoyed this post, check out BasVegas

Holiday Downtime

It's a common phenomenon for blogs to go silent during the Holidays. The cold weather, combined with holiday events and 'beginning of the year malaise', cause the blogosphere to settle in for a long winter's nap. Ok, I have no evidence for this. It's just an excuse for my laziness.

So here is what has happend since my last blog post in list form.

Phew! All caught up!

Tom Brosseau is So Punk Rock

On Sunday I saw Tom Brosseau play at the Helsinki Klub in Zürich. It was quite a surprise to see the name of someone who played in the same San Diego coffee shops as I did appear in the Zürich 20 Minutes(the local free paper). It was a great show and discovering the Helsinki Klub was quite a revelation to me.

Someone once told me that the most punk rock thing that you can do in these modern days is to be not punk rock at all. If that is true, then Tom Brosseau is the most punk rock guy I have ever met. If you check him out you will understand. Here is a video of him performing the song "Pretty Corey" whilst standing on a stool at the Helsinki Klub:

Viva BasVegas

Tomorrow I will be filming a short promotional piece for Zürich fashion designer Basman during their fashion show entitled BasVegas. It should be a pretty cool event. If there is WiFi at the venue I will stream some of the show live on my Qik Channel. I will definitely post video and pictures later as well.

48 hour film competition

The talentscreen.ch 48 hour film competition is in its final stages. Just over 6 more hours remain until we have to turn in our film. I am failry happy with how it turned out. Shooting with a RED ONE from the very generous rental company Octamas was the best thing about the shoot. It makes me never want to shoot HDV again.
The competition began at 12:00 on Friday. All of the teams met at the UTO Kino in Zürich and were given the theme for the competition. This years theme was "Dreck am stecken," which roughly translates to "Dirty Hands" implying some kind of guilt. After we got our theme we spent about 3 hours working out the story and another 4 hours or so organizing the location, actors, props, wardrobe, etc. We arrived at our location at around 8:00pm and we shot until 8:00am.
With all the shooting done we decided it was best that we get some sleep, and start editing at 5:00pm. We have been editing ever since. I would say that we are about 97% completed right now.

Stay tuned, I will post some frame grabs later.