
On September 10th was BasFolies, a celebration of the 30th anniversary of Mode Atelier Basman. The show consisted of a Fashion Show mixed with a Folies style Variety show. I was responsible for the video production in the show as well as filming during it. If you were not among the people fortunate enough to be there, here is a little taste of the BasFolies:

The show began with a video showing the space alien moderator flying his birthday cake-shaped space ship and crash landing it into the venue -- so that explains those clips, if you were wondering. All together it was a really fun show, that had a perfect balance of hand-craft and high fashion. Someone described it as Children's theater for adults. I can agree with that.

BasFolies was a GlamourGeek Production and directed by Eva De Vree.

If you enjoyed this post, check out BasVegas